Perí­odo fundacional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1905-1920). Divergencias filosóficas, epistemológicas y pedagógicas

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Sara Jimy Alí Jafella


The purpose of the present study is to try and find out about two institutes of La Plata University, in its foundation period (1905-1920). The National Boarding school, founded in 1906, whose head-mastertutor was the pedagogue Ernesto Nelson (1873-1959) and the Educational Sciences Faculty, founded in 1914, whose first dean was the professor Victor Mercante (1870-1934). The educational philosophy of Dewey (1859-1952), pragmatist representative of the New School, influenced the first institution, while the Educational Sciences Faculty responded to the scientific philosophy of the positivism with the experimental basis of Comte (1789-1857) and Spencer (1820-1903). Both currents and educational basis; the first, from formation of the head-master Nelson who maintained intellectual and educational bonds with Dewey; besides there is a references to doctor Gonzalez's project with regard to his adhesion to the pedagogical proposal of the English Boarding School of that time from a divergent academic perspective in its philosophical-educational basis, the institutional proposal of Doctor Mercante, first dean of the Educational Sciences Faculty, who implemented the curricula and pedagogical conceptions based in the European scientific experimental positivism, is analysed.


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How to Cite
Alí Jafella, S. J. (2007). Perí­odo fundacional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1905-1920). Divergencias filosóficas, epistemológicas y pedagógicas. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 1(1). Retrieved from
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