El porvenir del programa institucional de la Universidad de Buenos Aires: Un acercamiento a la figura de Reisieri Frondizi

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Sandra Carli


Public universities in Latin America are confronted to new dilemmas and problems in a globalized academic scene, tendencies to transnationalization and privatization of the university education and undercapitalization of the public system. The present conjuncture invites to explore what Francis Dubet called the process of decline to modern institutions. Since this decline is related to precarious survivance of 'institutional programmes' set up along other historical cycles, we intend to explore in this article the case of the University of Buenos Aires. Our objective is to inquire into the historical period in which its institutional programme was localized, which of its marks remain today and dwelling upon the cycle, that the Argentinean University historiography identifies as one of university renovation and modernization (1955-1966). For this reason we shall explore Risieri Frondizi's written work and background, a well-known prestigious character sometimes forgotten, but at the same time omnipresent in every thought about the University.


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Carli, S. (2008). El porvenir del programa institucional de la Universidad de Buenos Aires: Un acercamiento a la figura de Reisieri Frondizi. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(2). Retrieved from https://www.archivosdeciencias.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/ARCHv02n02a05