Frictions between pedagogy and sociology in Uruguay: An (re)intepretation from the teaching of Emile Durkehim

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Antonio Romano


This paper puts forward some aspects that help to reflect upon the way a pedagogic field is built. This is done by making explicit the different ways in which two disciplines whose subject of study is education are related: sociology and pedagogy. Firstly, we do a historical analysis that takes as reference three turning points in the development of the research in education throughout the twentieth century. In each of these moments it is possible to see different connections between these two disciplines. Secondly, the analysis focuses on how this process took place in Uruguay, and finally studies the way it lead to the design of two educational policies: the full-time schools (ETC) and the community-teachers programme (PMC).


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Romano, A. (2009). Frictions between pedagogy and sociology in Uruguay: An (re)intepretation from the teaching of Emile Durkehim. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 4(4). Retrieved from