ICT Policies in Education in Latin America. An opportunity to settle pending debts

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María Teresa Lugo
Andrea Brito


In recent years the efforts Latin American countries have made in educational policies account for significant achievements, especially in regards to educational inclusion. It is possible, however, to identify the persistence of gaps such as the unequal access to knowledge related to the academic processes and results accomplished by boys, girls and youth throughout their educational trajectories. This article discusses the potential and challenges of ICT integration policies for addressing this problem. It does so in an articulate manner as the use of this potential requires guaranteeing a minimum set of conditions, and the building of possible and desirable conditions. Among these, the pending issues of connectivity and the question of change in educational practice are developed.


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How to Cite
Lugo, M. T., & Brito, A. (2015). ICT Policies in Education in Latin America. An opportunity to settle pending debts. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 9(9). Retrieved from https://www.archivosdeciencias.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Archivos09a03
Digital technologies in education, inclusion and complexities of a multidimensional phenomenon