Meaningful learning as a reference for the organization of teaching

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Marco Antonio Moreira


This article reviews, first, the central postulates of the classical perspective of D. Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning. Second, it presents some more recent proposals in the field of Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy and Epistemology to deepen and update the theoretical analysis: the humanist perspective of Joseph Novak, Bob Gowin's social interactionism, the mental models of Johnson-Laird, the Conceptual fields of Gérard Vergnaud, the notion of banking education postulated by Paulo Freire and the autopoietic of Humberto Maturana. Finally, it distinguishes different aspects of the computational mediation and discusses a renewed vision by the author, from a critical, subversive and anthropological perspective of meaningful learning.


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Moreira, M. A. (2017). Meaningful learning as a reference for the organization of teaching. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 11(12), e29.
Dossier: Aprendizaje y enseñanza en clave de significatividad


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