Nuevas tecnologí­as de la información como facilitadoras de Aprendizaje significativo

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Irene Arriassecq
Graciela Santos


This paper proposes to approach the potential of TIC to promote meaningful learning, assuming that, at present, there is consensus in the validity of this theoretical framework enriched with the various theoretical contributions it has received since the 1960s, At the same time, TIC enable new forms of access to education as learning institutions expand in the face of a wide variety of applications and resources available on the Internet. We performed an analysis, from the theoretical framework of significant learning, of three computer applications for teaching in the areas of exact and natural sciences: CMapTools, GeoGebra and Modellus in the context of a possible sequence of teaching at the secondary level for the topic of Physics "parabolic shot".


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Arriassecq, I., & Santos, G. (2017). Nuevas tecnologí­as de la información como facilitadoras de Aprendizaje significativo. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 11(12), e030.
Dossier: Aprendizaje y enseñanza en clave de significatividad


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