Memory in the evaluation of learning in social sciences

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Blanca Cecilia Bolaños Retavisca
Diego Fernando Mendoza Torres
Raúl Vásquez Sánchez
Yenda Fanory Jaramillo Cano


This article presents the results of a study that sought to identify the conceptions of two social science teachers from an official educational institution in the Bogotá city, about the role that memory plays in the processes of teaching and evaluating learning in the classroom. For this, was used a qualitative approach. Semi structured interviews were conducted, observations of pedagogical practices and analysis of performance results in a standardized test on pre-Columbian civilizations applied to sixth grade students, the latter being an additional product of the process. It was concluded that memory plays an important role for teachers in terms of: learning footprint, basis of the development of higher levels of thinking and meaning of what has been learned. However, it was observed that these conceptions and practices do not necessarily affect the learning achieved by their students in terms of higher levels of thinking.


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Bolaños Retavisca, B. C., Mendoza Torres, D. F., Vásquez Sánchez, R., & Jaramillo Cano, Y. F. (2019). Memory in the evaluation of learning in social sciences. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 13(15), e059.


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