A narrative perspective: reflective journals as a tool for professional understanding

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María Inés Blanc
Silvina Pereyra
Mercedes Brusadelli


Taking the school biographies of novel teachers as the object of our research, we purport to identify the representations that have left a trace in their lives and understand how these are materialised in their pedagogical decisions. It proves particularly interesting to focus on the way narrating life events raises awareness of the influence of these traces on the professional sphere, and to this purpose we have prioritised the use of reflective journals as the primary source of our study. In this article, our aim is to find the keys that allow us to uncover the subjective construction process that one of the participants has experienced while delving into her school biography and how she seeks to transform her teaching practice into something truly meaningful. The methodology of biographical-narrative research will allow us to interpret the construction of representations and the search for meaning in lived experiences.


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Blanc, M. I., Pereyra, S., & Brusadelli, M. (2020). A narrative perspective: reflective journals as a tool for professional understanding. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, 14(17), e083. https://doi.org/10.24215/23468866e083


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