Mathematics of the Sky, Mathematics of the Earth and Mathematics of the Sapiens
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Is the teaching of mathematics an ideological and political issue too, despite the representation of mathematics as a set of abstract ideas? The mathematical object is an instrument in social life and, often, it functions as an implicit argument, in a rhetorical use serving an ideological and political project. The article defends the thesis that the key issue is the relationship with Mathematics, which has ideological, political and identity implications. He analyzes three types of relationships: with the Mathematics of Heaven, with the Mathematics of the Earth and with the Mathematics of Sapiens. “Doing mathematics” can be accessing a world of pure Ideas, discovering the deep structures of the world or, as this article maintains, participating in a collective activity of human beings, throughout its history. Mathematical activity is a particular way of appropriating the world, of creating specific symbolic worlds and assuming oneself as a subject of knowledge, a singular subject and a member of a species called Sapiens. Therefore, obviously, Mathematics is always, at the same time, a scientific, social and anthropological activity.
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